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Pagan Online Download For Pc [serial Number]


About This Game The Gods are gone – their demise has left the world in turmoil. Dark forces the likes of which have never been seen before are amassing to tear the souls from those too weak to resist and devour whoever is left.Fling spells and swing metal, rush enemies and crush bones, and in the end, pry their weapons from their cold, unworthy hands. Carve a path through your enemies in your quest for glory in Pagan Online.An epic setting based on Slavic mythology – the stuff of legendsSet in a striking realm rich with lore and history, Pagan Online is based off various Slavic myths and sagas. We’ve drawn from this seemingly endless fount to create a distinct flavour and a whole new world for fans of epic fantasy to immerse themselves in. Tales of larger than life heroes, endangered deities, and shattered sanctity await you in Pagan Online.It’s dangerous to go aloneWill you vanquish your foes lone wolf style, or team up with a friend to take on the biggest and baddest monsters? You can choose to play all levels alone or play game modes designed for more than one person. You can meet other players to fight alongside you in the Pantheon, a social hub for heroes approved by the Gods themselves.Crush without mercyAt its core, Pagan Online is a game of dynamic and fast-paced action. You will experience gameplay that is responsive, fast, and satisfying – and nothing’s more satisfying than crushing, slicing, and smashing your way through hordes of enemies in a brutal and mesmerizing display of quick thinking and skill. It is easy to pick up but difficult to master – a good thing to keep in mind after your 108th death. As you become more battle-hardened, your renown grows and doors open for you – both to greater power and greater foes. A class for every player, a hero for every tasteThese aren’t just your typical RPG classes! The playable characters in Pagan Online are inspired by old folks’ tales and stories our grandmothers used to tell us when we were kids. From nomad knights to beastly abominations, they are familiar and yet like nothing you’ve ever tried before. Every hero has their own abilities, playstyles, and their own weapons and attacks, so you could be forgiven for thinking you’re playing a different game when you take up arms as another hero. Carry out devastating combos with skills in your repertoire and do whatever it takes to come out on top – leech the blood of your downed foes to stay standing, summon the might of Perun himself in a thunderfist, or channel the elements to unleash raw destruction. Your hero, your styleIf you’re going to be looking at your hero constantly, you might as well look at something nice. A hero is a hero no matter what they wear of course, but you gotta admit, the deep red of a blood spatter would look so fetching on your green robes. You can pick from a wide variety of class-specific armor sets for each hero. Not only can you upgrade and customize heroes to your liking, but you can also use unique skins and shaders so the enemy commanders will know exactly who is coming to end them.Wield weapons of legendAction RPGs can’t work without loot. We all love it and your enemies love to drop it. Pagan Online takes it up a notch with a unique crafting system in which you can create a weapon tailor-made for you and how you prefer to play. Whether you’re dead set on squeezing that extra speed percentage for fast flaying, or if you want to be a Jack-of-all-trades with more balanced stats, crafting in Pagan Online redefines the term ‘legendary item’. 6d5b4406ea Title: Pagan OnlineGenre: Action, RPG, Early AccessDeveloper:Mad Head GamesPublisher:Wargaming.netRelease Date: 17 Apr, 2019 Pagan Online Download For Pc [serial Number] If you like one button builds ala Diablo 3 and Path of Exile, this game isn't for you. Pagan online requires much more skill than just putting on a set of green items and holding a button. The skill gap can be really daunting at times, but when the mechanics finally click for you? There's not much like it in the genre.. Been seeing good updates on it, hoping for a 4 player co-op soon.Other than that, I'm in love with this game.. Bottom line up front - I would recommend this game if you're a fan of the ARPG genera. It's an interesting addition to the scene that breaks up the control structure and is setting itself up nicely to carve out it's own little niche. However, if you're not a fan of early releases, wait before you buy. The game looks polished, but the structure and content really need a lot of work. I'm not even talking about bugs or balance. The game just isn't very fun.If you're still on board - here's a breakdown of what I loved, hated, and why:Pros: Fantastic controls for an ARPG A diverse set of unique characters Ability to take breaks for the storyline for quests and missions No pay-to-win gates Skins, colors, pets, emotes Bite-sized content Tons of potentialCons: Characters are locked behind a mission, quest, and assassination system Everything feels like the same encounter - lacking content variety Character builds have no meaningful impact on play The storyline and NPCs lack depth and aren't memorable The game really forces your hand for how you have to play If you don't like crafting - too bad If you don't like unlocking and leveling every character in game - too bad If you don't like certain mission types - too bad Your character's ability to wear epic armor is tied to your account wide progress The game doesn't strike a good balance between casual and hardcore No large scale challenges or maps The never ending grind is realMy recommendation for this game is based entirely on potential. I love how it feels to play the game. The control structure gives me a level of interaction that feels much more intuitive and natural than other ARPGs. I'm not just walking into the middle of a group of enemies and hitting my spin-to-win button. Instead, I find myself constantly maneuvering around each engagement and very carefully timing my abilities. There's actually a bit of strategy and skill being introduced to the genera that's sorely needed. The only thing that feels lackluster here is the lack of a dodge button and rudimentary controller support. You could argue the shift button dodge mechanic & controller support are both in, but I'm not satisfied with either.Despite my love affair with combat and controls, the game still doesn't feel fun to play. In Pagan Online's implementation of bite-sized adventures, they left out any real depth or connection to the NPCs. You don't really get a chance to build a relationship with them, empathize, or dig into their stories. At least, not in a meaningful or impactful way. This is an easy fix with the addition some side quests that don't involve killing 10 rats. If several of the NPCs had some story quests that you walked through with them at your side and matching cinematics, there would be vast improvement over the currently boring interactions. Combat is unfortunately more of the same. None of the bosses or encounters feel unique or impactful. The only real difference has been how far am I walking and how many times do I have to click before they die.My biggest complaint though is the utterly stupid way the entire system is tied together. Pagan Online has gated its own content behind a very large grind. I know one of the developers thought they were building a sense of progression, but all they really succeeded at was cutting off players from the best parts of the game. Almost the entire cast of characters are locked behind story progression, missions, hunts, and assassinations. If you picked the wrong starter, you're hosed until you play through for hours to hopefully unlock something that you actually love. And despite the bite-sized content, casual gamers be damned because you have to play through everything to raise your legacy score. Otherwise, the character you love is never going to be able to wear the shinies it needs to tackle the late game.**EDIT (5\/19\/19)Multiplayer is here! And It's not impressive. It's useful for completing a few of the missions end game without maxing crafting to level 50, but it doesn't really add anything yet. You can't do campaign content with a party member, so really it's just key farming as a group. Not something I've ever really needed or wanted a party for. So, it's a work in progress.I have to make a big note about video cards. Several of the 'boss' fights have special mechanics. If your video card is not above the recommended specs, the Veles Boss fight will not work for you. There's a portion that requires spinning statues. After a lot of testing, I found the spin rate corresponding to my graphic settings. Unfortunately, even on the lowest settings, the statues spin at maybe half speed and reset before you can do enough laps to face the boss. Additionally, I've noticed a lot of reviews about the game feeling clunky. For me, this has all corresponded to my graphic settings. When using the recommended settings, the game is clunky. When I set everything to low everything smooths out. My system is slightly older, but far from outdated.I hope my review helps you make an informed decision!*This review is written with the knowledge that the game is an early release and still in development. Some leniency is given to the developers because this is stated up-front. However, it was put out into the world and will be judged as such. As the game moves into a full release, this review will be updated.. I really wanted to like this game. The graphics and audio are definitely very polished, it's a nice looking game. The problem is that the game is way too simple. Firstly you can only equip about 6 or 7 items on your character. You can equip one weapon and a bunch of artifact type items that boost you. No armour or anything to really customize your character like you can in other ARPG. You only get 2 primary attacks and then 4 skills which are pre-bound to keys like E, F, and spacebar. You can level those abilities up but it just increases the damage by 5% each level which is uninspired. As far as I can tell there's no actual skill tree here, you're stuck with the few limited skills that get handed to you as you progress. Instead of designing a character like you do in other ARPGs the character dictates how you are going to play it from the moment you start. Also, battles are nice and smooth but enemies just pop up out of the ground near you and then attack you in waves rather than having enemies spread out across levels already to encounter. When a wave of enemies pops out you're basically stuck rapidly clicking to kill them all, walk a few more feet, rinse, repeat. Having to accumulate shards to unlock new characters seems like a badly thought out game mechanic too. They should have just had all characters available from the get go. It's like they are struggling to add depth to this game but are doing it in all the wrong ways. The game mechanics seriously just feel downright lazy and the game quickly becomes boring. Diablo 2 which is a 19 year old game has far superior game mechanics to this. Like I said at the start, I really really wanted to like this game but after playing a few hours I just don't. Suggestions: First and foremost, you need some real skill trees where you can add points in to a myriad of skills per character and can mix and match your use of them to develop different attack strategies. The current lazy approach of having a handful of pre-assigned skills is horribly boring. You also need to just stop with the enemies popping up out of the ground and spawning out of mid air. It is tedious and not fun at all having click-fest after click-fest as wave after wave magically pops up. It honestly just feels like it was done to be lazy from a coding and level design standpoint. It's way easier to have a handful of points on the map where waves of enemies pop out of thin air around the character than to have the enemies thoughtfully pre-dispersed throughout each level. This game has a polished core but needs a major rework on the mechanics. It's unfortunate how laziness has led to a thoroughly boring game. I regret spending almost $40 on this, it's not worth it at all in it's current form. Virtually any other ARPG out there right now eats this one for breakfast (Diablo 2, Diablo 3, Torchlight, Torchlight II, Titan Quest, Path of Exile, Van Helsing, Victor Vran, etc...). All of those have far superior game mechanics to this one.. I'm a big ARPG fan, having put thousands of hours into games like Diablo 2, Diablo 3, Path of Exile, Torchlight 2, and Grim Dawn. Obviously after putting 65 hours into this game I am enjoying it so far. However, I don't think this is a game for everyone in it's current state. Here are some of my insights into the game for others to consider:Controls:WASD for movement, mouse to aim. I didn't like it at first, but after I got used to it I don't think I would have it any other way. The devs have mentioned other control schemes are being tested, but don't expect click to move. There are guides to set up a controller as native support isn't available yet.Classes:There are currently 8 Heroes available to play each with distinct play styles. You are given a choice between 3 to start with and are locked into the first character until you get to around level 15, so choose wisely. (edit: A new system to allow the 3 starting characters to be tested and then decided on after the tutorial might be coming)-Istok: Slow moving but deadly, Istok obliterates mobs using a combination of crowd control and heavy mace blows when he isn\u2019t protecting his allies. Each hit on Istok\u2019s shield enhances his attacks.-Anya: To ward off the negative effects of her corrupted blood, Anya uses a whip to relentlessly lash her victims and consume their blood fragments to use powerful life-leeching abilities.-Kingewitch uses his fury to empower his abilities, and he has a lot to be angry about. A seasoned warrior, he can crush and carve through large groups of enemies with his menacing great axe.Characters are then unlocked by collecting their character shards from assassination missions. Assassination missions require you to complete some prerequisites to unlock. Character unlocking has probably been one of the biggest issues with the game, and something I think is likely to change, as it can take 40+ hours to unlock the final character, Valeria. I still haven't unlocked her after 65 hours, but mostly because I've been busy leveling all the other characters.Skills:Currently each character has a set passive skill and 7 active skills. You start with 3 skills, your auto attack (LMB), a heavy strike (RMB) and a defensive skill (SHIFT). All skills other than your auto attack have a cooldown. You can rebind keys. Skill Trees:Each skill has a linear damage upgrade branch with something like 12 nodes. At the midpoint and end of the line you can choose one of two options to alter skill cost, cooldown, aoe, or something else depending on the skill. The nodes are unlocked using crafting materials. Players looking for a deep dive into a skill tree like POE or Grim Dawn may want to hold off to see where development goes. The devs have stated they are working on an overarching skill tree, but I don't know what that entails at the time of this review.Crafting:This is the main way to upgrade your items as you will likely never find an upgrade on the ground. You will collect recipes and crafting materials after completing battles. It's a nice system, but it needs a lot of work as it is too random.Campaign:There are currently 5 acts available in the game. To complete all the acts takes roughly 30-40 hours.End Game:Current end game is to grind for better recipes and crafting materials to craft better items.Co-op:2 player co-op added on May 17, 2019. Not available in campaign. 4 player soon.. This game has a long way to go. Does it have the potential to be a good game? Absolutely. But not worth your money in its current state. Co-op is a lagfest and you can't do campaign together, as well as due to the low population its sometimes impossible to play with anyone. The crafting\/materials system is ill conceived and character unlocks feel straight out of a mobile game. We have recently been told likely no actual updates for ~2 months. Hopefully they have a lot of $$ in the bank or this isn't even going to make it to release.. Very polished, no MTX, fun gameplay for a decent price.. I just went for a refund, because I am forever stuck with a single boring character (Anya). This character I had to choose when launching the game. Game is advertised to have 8 playable characters, but you are stuck with one until you put uncounted hours into the game to get a "chance" to unlock anyone else. Why doesn't the game tell you there is no way of resetting (it says something about founding character but nowhere it states that this is your only choice)? Why does a game force a decision like this in the first minute of playing and without having tried at least one minute of gameplay?. Great controls and it looks like the devs are talking with players to make things happen. Coming from years of D3 I can say now I have a game that keeps me playing. The game looks great even though it is in early access! I hope it says active.


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